Our application process is very easy:

1. You Apply
Tell us a little about yourself and we’ll help with the rest. Our convenient online application tool only takes 10 minutes to complete.

2. We Connect
After you submit your application, an admissions representative will contact you and will help you to complete the process.

3. You Get Ready
Once you’ve completed your application and connected with an admissions representative, you’re ready to create your schedule.

Find our application form here

We have institutes in India, Brunei, Sri Lanka and Maldives.

Yes. You will need to submit a separate application in addition to required materials and an application fee for each program you would like to apply to. You will also have to send a separate portfolio, or schedule an audition if required, for each of those applications. If you are accepted to more than one program at Institute Of Design (I.O.D), you will then have to choose one program as your major.

The notification period for the admission decision will be approximately March 1 through early April for students that applied by the regular deadline. There may be cases, however, where the decision will come earlier or take longer. We send decision letters out at different times, depending on each program’s review schedule and when required materials for the student’s file are received. There is no significance attached to receiving your notification earlier or later than other students that have applied.